Plays Published by New Theatre Publications
The Clinking Of The Glasses - FL Play - 4m 2f - click here to order

David, a philosophy graduate, was badly injured during the collision of his car with Sam’s, his TV cameraman, younger brother. They had both reached the building on fire where their father Tom, a firefighter, was in danger. Kate, his lacemaker mother, struggled to make his life bearable. Tom and Sam mostly took refuge in hard work. Jack, the family doctor, proved untrustworthy. Disheartened, David abandoned his devoted girlfriend, Joan, a rich heiress. Enlightened, Sam led David to Tinos, the Holy Greek island of Our Lady. Almost cured, David finally clinked glasses with his family and Joan at a joyful, home lunch...

The Hypocrite - 1A Play - 3f - click here to order

Three friends in Athens, Valeria, a student of dramatic art, Ammelia, a student of classical dance and Elina, a student of photography keep secret their love affair with a common friend, an architect. There is no problem up to the moment when the hypocritical architect sends all three a similar bunch of red roses, which causes them to discover the bitter truth. Hurt, they suffer each in their own way. Their pride and friendship are tested. But, their dreams of youth proved stronger than love disappointment. Their friendship continues on a basis which would protect them against the hypocrisy of men.

Kathleen - FL Play - 3m 4f - click here to order

Facing a mid-life crisis, Kathleen, the modern wife of Paul, an Editor-in-Chief of an evening newspaper in London and mother of Lily, a law student, expresses her discontent with the mode of living imposed upon her. But Kathleen surprises Paul, Lily, Harry, Lily's fiancé, a lawyer and Rory, their faithful maid-servant when she doesn't hesitate to abandon her family and live with Robert, a famous, young sculptor in Hillingdon after their having mutually fallen in love at first sight. Conscious of the void that Kathleen also feels near him, Robert encourages her to become an independent personality through housework and artistic work, which helps her to react with dignity when their age gap is emphasized by the revenge of Alice, a model and Robert's ex girl-friend. Due to rumours about Paul's depression and her own conflicting sentiments, Kathleen finally returns home. Though she feels welcomed and pardoned, she still struggles against her strong emotional turmoil. Will Robert let Kathleen find her inner peace?

The Leading Lady - FL Play - 3m 4f  - click here to order

Claire, an incomparable Leading Lady, in London, is married to Ralph, a stage director. Joy, an actress and Ralph's childhood friend, envious of their happiness, cunningly persuades Rebecca, her attractive niece, to feign being in love with Ralph. The romance of unsuspicious Ralph with Rebecca stirs Claire. Away from public scrutiny, Claire learns to approach life in a humane way at a villa in Kinetta, in Greece. Ellen, her faithful maid-dresser and George, a gifted for the flute autistic boy, Ellen's nephew, stay with her. Despite their old age, Ellen and Andrea, the gardener, fall in love. Learning to his cost, Ralph joins them unexpectedly. Will Claire's and Ralph's hearty involvement in the autistic cause be beneficial for their stormy relationship?

The Painter And The Portrait - FL Play - 2m 3f - click here to order

Peter, a Greek artist in Monaco, has fallen in love with Mary, an English pianist and wife of his best friend John, an English architect. Tortured by his secret yearnings for Mary, he secludes himself in his atelier to prepare his latest exhibition on the theme of 'Country Rivers'. Even the company of his girl-friend Anne, a young French journalist is beginning to annoy him. His decision to paint a portrait of Mary as a young lady, from memory, causes problems for John, Anne, Mary and Mary's mother Kitty, an English retired teacher. Eventually, there flourishes a mutual, passionate love between Mary and Peter.

The Violinist - 1A Play - 3m 2f - click here to order

After having enchanted the audience by playing on his Stradivarius violin, a family heirloom, in the Opera House in Paris, Richard, the violinist, returns to his dressing room to find out that, Elizabeth, his beloved pregnant wife, a ballet dancer, has been kidnapped. Depressed, Richard is morally supported by Flora, his mother and Andrew, the conductor of the orchestra. When the schemer contacts Richard on the telephone, he easily yields to his demand to give his Stradivarius violin in exchange. But, thanks to the efforts of Andrew and the efficiency of the police, Elizabeth is safely set free and the whole scheme revealed.

 Other Plays

The Dancer - Play - 2m 4f (only in Greek) unpublished

The Reveries Of An Author - 1A (only in Greek) - 4f unpublished

El Torero - 3 acts. (Only in English) 3m 4f The play takes place in Madrid and Sevilla. It is dedicated to the Spanish Toreros of all times and to my sensitive, cultivated, handsome nephew Christos- Konstantinos who left life at 26 - unpublished. El Torero has been included in The BRITISH LIBRARY's Modern Playscript Collection.

The Magic Garden..." The Hands and The Stalker" - 3 acts (only in English) 2m 3f. The play takes place at the "Batis" beach Palaio Faliro Greece, in a living room in central London and in Hyde Park. Dedicated to Nature Lovers, including my grandparents Dimitrios, Persefoni and Kanellakis,Aglaia.